I reached Kendra almost a year ago about taking her an interview and she accepted without hesitations. Somehow I didn’t find the perfect context to put it into the spotlight until today. I hope she doesn’t mind that I have integrated her beautiful answers in a story rather than a ping-pong of lines.

I try to treat every piece like a conversation between me and my friends.
Often, people are puzzled by the so called solutions out there. Designs that seem to cover all the needs and none at the same time, functionalities which don’t focus on real struggles, and tend to increase superficial value.
We created Pixelgrade Club to be at the opposite side of the spectrum. To offer a steady solution which matches painful problems for bloggers of all kinds.
Kendra’s the exception in the landscape of publishers who declare that they want to make a lifestyle out of their passion. Not only she paid attention to her genuine style from the early days, she also took into consideration what she wants to achieve both in the short and the long run.
I think my first real introduction to the world of fashion was through Sex in the City. I used to post imagery from other people to create these kind of visual mood boards and I’ve always felt like they were so much more fulfilling that the school work I was meant to be doing.
It’s super easy to get lost in the crowded playground of blogging, but it wasn’t the case for Kendra. She had a clue about the overall feeling she wanted to achieve for upcoming blog, one that resonates with her personality and helps her focus on what she enjoys most.

She knew that the only way to succeed in the long run is by creating stronger bonds with the people reading her stories. On top of that, she was conscious that it takes huge responsibility to create a fashion blog that keeps the visitors down to earth taking into consideration how most of the fashion storytellers are approaching their digital presence these days.
The next step in her journey was to find a balance in terms of consistency, both on a visual and content level. There are plenty of bloggers who are aiming to be someone else, to play a role that it’s superficial and lacks authenticity, so she wanted to stay far away of such a package.
I had been looking for a newspaper design to focus more on the articles I was posting, that seemed professional and I could easily install myself.

Kendra was zigging when most of the bloggers were zagging at that moment. Letting her voice coming through gave her a kind of freedom to play around while keeping the mojo that makes her-her.
She brought this strategy on the content side with the help of Patch since our theme makes blogging much more accessible and no matter what she posted the layout beautifully adapted and the content arranged in such a way that made everything look great.
I really like that you have so many options when it comes to writing articles – from fonts to alignment. I love how the layout arranges itself for you in a very clean, yet imperfect way.
That’s the magic with Patch and all the blogging themes we’ve been crafting so far. We’re assisting people like Kendra focus on what they do best: expressing meaningful ideas and nurturing loyal communities. We help them get out of trouble by offering convenient solutions to particular needs.
Her success is ours too and we are happy to say that we are not surprised to see that Kendra’s being reached out by big brands to work with her, that she has a growing community on social media, or that she’s continually evolving.
In the end, it all sums up to being brave enough to start and take it from there. There’s no recipe, no perfect how-to guide, no textbook. It’s all about giving a try as Kendra, Kristina or Sarah did. This story could be yours too.
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