In the last couple of years, the blogging ecosystem grew tremendously on multiple levels: from how people have gotten in touch with this activity to how they’ve been developing strategies to make it a full-time job. Nowadays, there are a lot of folks that are investing time, energy, and money in creating something that’s called blogging as a profession.
As any entrepreneurial journey, blogging can be full of ups and downs. Lack of knowledge about how to grow an audience, demanding experiences in working with some brands, tons of efforts in building a name are just a few of them. Nothing valuable gets done by the blink of an eye or via a growth hack.
When it comes to creating a consistent personal brand there’s no shortcut. Forget about growth hacking strategies or any other nuclear tactics because it doesn’t work like that.
I talked with a bunch of bloggers about how they leveled up their digital game. They said that from a certain point much of their attention is focused on building and maintaining a consistent personal brand. One that people love and remember despite how jammed this playground is and will continue to be.
I’ve put together their insights next to our know-how of themes’ creators and here’s what you should consider:
#1 — Be true to yourself and to your audience
Everybody starts small. No matter how shaky is your traffic in your early days, make sure you deliver coherent messages all over the mediums. Express that you deeply believe in what you write, you pack words which define your core values and beliefs, and you would do the same if someone is going to meet you in the offline world.
Nothing is more precious than having folks supporting your blogging activity and act as proud ambassadors.
Assume the stage you’ve reached as a blogger and act accordingly. People appreciate transparency more than anything else, especially in the blogging sphere where there’s an alarming amount of fake and futility.
By the way, it’s one of our core values which we strongly manifest it both internally and externally. It brought as plenty of advantages and peace of mind along the way.
How to do that?
- Write articles because you learned something that you think is valuable for your community and you want to share the takeaways to lend a hand.
- Share your struggles and challenges as a blogger, no matter where you stand on the ladder — beginner or a top-player — because it will help you create stronger bonds.
- Don’t accept partnerships which don’t align with who you are just for the sake of some money or for a superficial good PR wave.
#2 — Keep an engaging dialogue with your tribe
Make room to constantly stay in touch with your tribe, to understand their points of view and to empower healthy discussions. This way you create a great sense of belonging that will keep people close both in the short and the long run. Nothing is more precious than having folks supporting your blogging activity and act as proud ambassadors.
Most of the storytellers want to focus on what they’re enjoying doing most — expressing their ideas better.
Sometimes, bloggers tend to forget how they reached a particular stage and start ignoring their audience’s needs and requests. This attitude leads them to a lack of engagement from their audience because people don’t feel appreciated and valued anymore. Try to remember that thanks to those people, their attention, maybe even their money or word-of-mouth you’re here today.
How to do that?
- Create an editorial strategy and a content calendar with ideas that you’re looking forward to transforming into articles.
- Reply to each comment someone writes on your articles, despite the fact that a few are farfetched or lack a certain meaning.
- Invite avid readers to write on your blog, to share their trusted opinions around related topics in order to contribute.
#3 — Consider personal branding a long-term game
All the tangible and non-tangible assets define your brand: visual identity, verbal identity, colours, logo, photography, tagline, words, reactions, presence — all of them say something about the character behind the scenes.
If you want to achieve spectacular results with your blogging journey all of these need to be taken care of. There’s no doubt that most of the storytellers want to focus on what they’re enjoying doing most — expressing their ideas better — and less on the technical side of things. Please bear in mind that they are mandatory today, when blogging is such a crowded place out there.
How to do that?
- Do your research regarding the who are the right partners that can help you get the look-and-feel and the vibe you want to contaminate people with.
- Invest whatever resources you may need when launching a story in the world because you want to make sure it’s one that represents you.
- Keep everything up to date as you evolve and adjust your branding as you move from one stage of evolution to another.

When it comes to creating a consistent personal brand there’s no shortcut. Forget about growth hacking strategies or any other nuclear tactics because it doesn’t work like that. You just need to be genuinely committed to the journey and take it one step at a time.
We can’t do the job for you, but we can definitely lend a hand to help you avoid a bunch of painful mistakes. We did that dozens of times and things worked out great. Kick-off by choosing a solution that allows you to win precious time to focus on your writing passion. Explore our shop!
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