Frequently asked questions about Rosa LT

Do you have questions? We have answers: 1. Is Rosa LT for me if I’m using the initial version of Rosa 1? If you are constantly making changes and want to improve the experience of managing your content, but not only, then YES. On the contrary, if you don’t plan to invest too much in […]

How to create a quote post similar to demo?

The homepage from our demo site shows a post with a quote from Paul Graham. If you wondered how you can do something similar, look no further. All you need to do is using the Quote Block and checking the Quote Format from the right side when creating the post: You can also add a […]

Why consider WooCommerce for building an online store

You can create an online store with WooCommerce on your own terms and start selling both digital and non-digital products.

How to add a Search bar on Blog Archive (Homepage)?

Content is king, right? But what if your readers can’t find the posts they’re interested on your blog? There is a search option on Single Post, indeed, but maybe you want to add a search on the Blog Archive, too. So they can search through your blog posts directly from the homepage. The easiest way […]

How working remotely helps me evolve?

How it feels to be the only full time remote worker at Pixelgrade?

Why the price for your themes is different on Mojo Marketplace?

We’re constantly looking to offer different possibilities to our customers to play with our themes. If you’re here, you noticed that some pf our themes from our website can be found on Mojo Marketplace, too, at a slightly a different price. This is because if you buy the theme from there, your license expires after only six months. That […]

How to add a Blog Sidebar on Listable Theme?

Sidebars are used to place information that you want visitors to have quick access to. Using a Sidebar, you can place advertisements, links to your most popular blog posts links to your social profiles, and much more. Also, you can help your visitors to find out more about your listings, by placing links to them. Basically, depending on […]

Adding Share Buttons using Social Warfare

You need to make sure that your readers can share what they read on our website and spread the word about you. The easiest way to do that is by using Social Share Buttons. There are plenty of tools that help you do that, so we did thorough research and concluded that the best option […]

How to add an Announcement Bar?

Do you want to announce a great sale, a promotion, or anything else that’s important to you and engaging for your readers? You can use the Announcement Bar to show a custom message. It will be displayed at the top of your website, above the header, making it easily accessible. To enable it, from your […]

How to add Categories Links Widget on Home Page?

Helping your readers to find as quickly as possible relevant information on your blog it’s a must-have. People appreciate this kind of help and facility. You can choose the post categories you consider important and add a link to them in a straightforward manner by using Pixelgrade: Categories Widget. How it works “Simplicity is genius”, they say. And we believe […]

How to add a Profile Widget?

Showcasing a summary of what’s your blog about is almost mandatory. The main purpose is to help your visitors quickly understand what are they going to read about, no matter if it’s about you – the author, a book, or a specific product. The Pixelgrade: Profile Widget is designed to present a short description with the […]

How to add a Location Widget?

Keep momentum with your readers and let them know where you are traveling right now. You can easily do that by using the Pixelgrade: Location Widget.  The widget is straightforward and it has the following elements: Subtitle — use this area to write a very short intro. It might be something like “I’m currently having […]

How to add a Callout Box?

Reinforce a particular call to action to something relevant both for you and your readers, by using the Pixelgrade: Callout Box Widget. You can do that by using an image, a short text and a button with a link for more details. How does it work? We went through numerous sites and researched the typical promotional box […]

Managing the Page Transition Symbol

Fargo comes with a visual tweak that can amplify the entire story of your website and improve the browsing experience for your visitors—it’s called a Page Transition Symbol. To use and customize it, follow the steps below, and you will make it work in the blink of an eye. What’s a Page Transition Symbol? The […]

How do I export listings from Listable?

You can export listings from Listable using WP All Export plugin. It allows you to export your listings in different formats (XLS, CSV, XML). As for importing listings, you can use WP All Import with Listable Add-On Import. Learn more about that here.