Fluit typography and how we use it at Pixelgrade

Creating true fluid web typography to improve our processes

Learn how we crafted a better solution for responsive typography while improving our development process at Pixelgrade

A love-hate relationship with Gutenberg

There’s a lot of debate around Gutenberg today. Discover our approach to the new WordPress editor and why the love-hate feeling.

Why choose a theme that looks good with WooCommerce

Discover how to choose the right WordPress theme for WooCommerce to both build trust with your audience and be in alignment with your brand’s personality.

The pursuit of a fellow frontend developer

Finding the right fellow developer seems like a tricky job these days. Learn more about my hands-on experience.

How Wordpress shaped my path as a developer

I understood that taking the time to look back and reflect on the achievements I made so far is something I should do more often.