How to get past the “This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed” error

The issue with the blocks not previewing or being editable might be due to a compatibility concern with the Gutenberg editor and WordPress version you’re using (e.g. WordPress 6.4). The first option to try if you’re running WordPress 6.4 is to deactivate the Gutenberg plugin, as this might no longer be needed in this newer […]

Broken Website after Updating to WordPress 6.3 or 6.4

Based on what we’ve found, it appears the update to WordPress 6.3 or 6.4 is causing compatibility issues with our theme. Currently, our demo runs on WordPress 6.0, but we support up to version 6.2.2. You can read more about the theme’s requirements here. To get your site back to its full functionality, I recommend rolling […]

Missing PixTypes Plugin

Due to a security report, the PixTypes plugin was temporarily delisted from the repository. While it’s not a serious concern, we have already addressed the issue and will release an official update as soon as the team will be able to review it. However, the review process can sometimes take a bit longer […]

Theme Requirements (classic)

Like most software, Pixelgrade classic themes have specific requirements to be able to run properly. We recommend the following: WordPress version  We currently support WordPress version 6.2.4. If you’re using a newer version, you can use the Core Rollback plugin to roll back. To prevent future core updates, use the Disable Automatic Updates plugin. Plugins […]

Columns block not stacking on Mobile on Rosa2

If you’re using the Columns block on Rosa2 and notice that the stacking option is not applied on mobile devices, insert the following CSS snippet in Appearance → Customize → Additional CSS: /* Stack columns on mobile */ @media not screen and (min-width: 768px) { .wp-block-columns:not(.is-not-stacked-on-mobile) { flex-wrap: wrap; } }

Managing Projects Filtering

The filtering system is available along with the Advanced Filtering Add-on, which gives you access to the FacetWP plugin integration. Requirements To install the filtering option on your website, you can get the add-on by going to this link. After getting the add-on, go back to your website’s dashboard, click the Pixelgrade tab, and then click […]

Theme Requirements

Like most software, Pixelgrade LT themes have specific requirements to be able to run properly. We recommend you the following: WordPress version  We currently support WordPress version 6.5.x. If you’re using the Anima theme older than 2.0.10, you can use the Core Rollback plugin to roll WordPress back to version 6.2. To prevent future core […]

Creating a Block Child Theme

Besides the colors, fonts, and spacing options, we know that at a certain point, you will like to dig deeper and make changes that involve some level of custom coding. The best way to make those changes happen while preserving the custom code from being overwritten the next time your theme is updated is through a child theme.  […]

Transparency Report #13 Pixelgrade

Transparency Report #13: underwater is breathtaking

Swimming with our heads underwater managed to open our eyes in ways we never experienced before at Pixelgrade. And hey, we’re turning 10 in the fall.

Transparency Report #11: adjusting is mandatory

Discover how the first six months of the challenging year 2020 impacted us. We’re grateful for how we’ve been navigating these murky waters so far.

Creating a customer review system for your site

Discover how we collect authentic reviews from our customers and learn how you can do that too.

Pixelgrade Transparency Report #10: hell and heaven at once

We’re quite emotional to see where we landed at the end of 2019. The last six months put us at hard work and big questions. We learned how to walk them through on our rhythm.

Discover the full process of creating Rosa 2

Meet Rosa 2: A brand new way to create restaurant websites with WordPress

Learn more about how we build a new product on top of Gutenberg and why it is the best option to create outstanding websites from now on.

Media Card Block

Often a featured message is more readily remembered if complemented by a matching visual. The Media Card block helps you manage such areas with ease. Use it to display media objects like images, alongside short pieces of content. It could be anything from a portrait image accompanying a summary of your About page; a visual […]

Food Menu Block

Use the Food Menu block to display a list of food or drink items available at your venue. Whether you want to create a new menu or change it on a daily basis, it’s all very simple to manage and suitable for all your needs. The block is optimized to add specific structured data to […]