Frequently asked questions about Rosa LT
Do you have questions? We have answers:
1. Is Rosa LT for me if I’m using the initial version of Rosa 1?
If you are constantly making changes and want to improve the experience of managing your content, but not only, then YES. On the contrary, if you don’t plan to invest too much in updating your current website and want to keep it low profile, then NO.
2. Does Rosa LT come as a free update for Rosa 1 users?
NO. It is a whole new paid product because we completely changed the editing experience, relying solely on Gutenberg blocks to create a website with ROSA LT, a regular update would have broken all existing websites. While we could launch it as a completely new product (with a new name), we choose to carry on the history of this theme.
3. Is Rosa LT compatible with the initial version of Rosa 1?
Rosa LT is a whole new product that is not backward compatible with the previous theme. While we don’t provide an automatic migrate process, replacing Rosa 1 with Rosa LT should not be a difficult task, albeit some manual work is involved.
4. Are you going to keep maintaining Rosa 1?
NO. Rosa 1 has been discontinued and will no longer receive new updates. We are providing customer support only to those who still have an active license.
5. The fonts used in Rosa LT are free or premium?
We use both free and premium fonts. The good news is that we included the premium fonts in the theme so you can use them with no problem.
6. What is Nova Blocks?
Nova Blocks is an in-house collection of Gutenberg blocks. Read more about it here.
7. Do you maintain Nova Blocks and provide regular updates?
YES. We invested a lot of time and effort developing this plugin so we’ll not only continue maintaining it but improving it as well.