Even though a lot of people treat customer support as an automatic process that doesn’t require too much soul, we completely disavow with this kind of approach. That’s why the support crew members are called Happiness Heroes. And yes, they manage to do some magic for a bunch of great people all over the world. And to get this out of the way, yes, we sometimes screw up. We are only human.
We like that each Happiness Hero has a catchy vision about customer support. This way, we keep an accelerated rhythm and learn a lot from each other. As Malcolm Gladwell would say — We’re the sum of the five people we spend the most time with.
Let’s find out who are our witty Happiness Heroes and what keeps them motivated to wake up & help awesome digital makers from the other corner
of the world.

When I think about customer support three words come to my mind — patience, knowledge and communication. The customer comes to you with a problem and you have to be patient to correctly understand his complaint, then make proof of the good knowledge of your product, to communicate clearly what he has to do in order to solve it. It’s that simple!
If I manage to empathize with the customer, then everything will change.
But, when I think about great customer support, I’m convinced there’s more than that. In my opinion, the key element here is empathy. Some clients will have a lot of questions, others will be annoyed, and others will be just friendly. Your commitment is to handle all of them and provide the same level of support every time.
If I manage to empathize with the customer, then everything will change. I can understand his needs, I can imagine how important they are for him, to be able to have the right attitude. This is happening only when I put myself in the customer’s shoes, even for just a moment. And with this comes the motivation to do my best in helping them. That’s what I think a great customer support is all about.

The first time that I had heard about this job, I was so excited because the interaction with the customers is important…and interesting too. It’s so good to hear what the customer needs and to know that you have a solution for him or her. This way you can evolve.
You need to make the user understand why that button is the perfect solution for him.
It’s not hard to create a robot (I guess) or to give a complete answer to one client or another. But this is just “covering the hole in the wall” and we aim for more. We want to find a way to learn from our mistakes and to keep improving.
As you may know, WordPress is a platform that tried to be easy to understand for basic users. Sometimes, it’s hard to interact even with simple requests. This is the right time, for a good customer support to show up. The main point is not to just say “Hey, mate! Just click that button and everything will be alright”. You need to make the user understand why that button is the perfect solution for him.
We all need to grow here: we, as well as the user’s needs (and, sometimes, the problems that he/she has with the structure of our product), but also users as individuals and how they can combine the options from the main platform (WordPress) and our products. Sometimes, it’s fine even if we have to explain how the platform works, a part that is not related to us, but we go the extra mile to guide them, as we know that a simple response is seldom enough.

In my opinion, a good customer support focuses on the customer’s needs and tries to “solve” a case by any means. Fortunately, a great customer support is not only about that. It strives to understand the people’s needs and desires, apart from numbers and what the market looks like at that point.
At the end of the day, people’s impressions is something we all learn from.
It is our responsibility to connect with people and help them out while keeping a friendly, yet professional vibe. This creates a channel between them and the rest of our crew, where problems, impressions, and suggestions get filtered in a creative manner.
I believe that attention to details is one of the defining characteristics of our team and it rises the customer support effort to a different level — we called it Happiness Heroes.
At the end of the day, people’s impressions are something we all learn from, as for me, it simply keeps my wheels spinning.

Being a Happiness Engineer means growth of Intelligence… Sorry, I meant the next level of Intelligence — EQ or Emotional Intelligence, where our mindset and mindfulness are needed for each and every customer. In order to understand the customer needs, you must firstly understand yourself, in a deeper way. They see us as a persona where they can get their voices heard in such a way that when they’ll finish the conversation and get their problems solved, they’ll be more than happy to return and seek for guidance or for another fine-ass theme.
Not an easy thing to do, neither to think of. Diving deep once again, Customer Support represents more than skilled agents that solve tickets and tasks. We are the advocates of success inside a business. Guess who is informing the Devs when something is broken? Who reports the “almighty bugs”? Who is working side by side with the Devs on a theme update? You thought that support means only lots of tickets and emails? Think twice. 🙂
How things work out for you? We would love to hear your thoughts on this because only from this kind of healthy ping-pong we can raise the bar and draw meaningful lessons for everyone involved.
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