How Blogging Can Turn Into a New Life Path at 48 Years Old

Some of our cus­tomers have always inspired us. Not only because they’re using our Word­Press themes in cre­ative ways, but also due to their per­son­al sto­ries and that’s a great reminder for all of us about why we’re doing what we’re doing at Pix­el­grade.

June 5, 2018
Reading time 7 – 10 minutes

I’m keep­ing an open eye on who are the peo­ple who are buy­ing our prod­ucts. Both as a mar­keter and a sto­ry­teller, I find this con­nec­tion cru­cial and fulfilling. Being in touch with some of them helps me have a real­is­tic per­spec­tive about their needs and desires. The great thing is that is a two ways street since they give back too by moti­vat­ing us to do a bet­ter job.

Nicki is the creator of Rebel in a new dress, a magazine for women 40+, as she describes her blog. Her stories are packed into an engaging journey about life, as she sees it: beautiful, authentic, full of adventures.

This is the core topic of my blog: how can women 40+ stay young, happy and attractive.

One of the rea­sons I reached Nic­ki for this inter­view is because I want to empow­er oth­er women to fol­low their pas­sions and make the most out of them. Blog­ging is not a mil­len­ni­al thing nor a play­ground for tech peo­ple. In fact, it’s a gate­way for all of you who have some­thing mean­ing­ful to share with the world. Let’s kick-off!

Who’s Nicki both on and off the record?

Nic­ki: I’m 48 years old and still a rebel at heart. I always try to chal­lenge myself to be curi­ous and open to every­thing new, no mat­ter if it’s a short trip to Saint Tropez, an inno­v­a­tive anti-aging treat­ment or a crazy styling idea. I explore new things and share it with the read­ers on my blog.

Although every­body is think­ing that I’m liv­ing a very healthy life, I some­times enjoy lit­tle sins like piz­za or chips.

Her passion for fashion goes above and beyond

Where do your passion for fashion and healthy lifestyle comes from?

Nic­ki: Oh yes, I love fash­ion! It start­ed already as a teenag­er in the 80s when Madon­na came up, and we cut our Jeans by our­selves to be „en vogue.“ Lat­er I was hap­py to make my hob­by a pro­fes­sion — work­ing for a Munich based fash­ion brand as a cre­ative con­sul­tant.

With my pas­sion for the healthy lifestyle it was a dif­fer­ent sto­ry. A cou­ple of years ago I always felt tired with low ener­gy. And I rec­og­nized after a con­sul­ta­tion with a doc­tor, that this was main­ly due to sev­er­al food aller­gies and intol­er­ances. I start­ed to do tons of research and to inform myself about the impact of food on our health and the aging process. And this became the core top­ic of my blog: how can women in their 40s stay young, hap­py and attrac­tive.

What’s your particular approach on this hot topic?

Nic­ki: My approach is quite holis­tic. I strong­ly believe that it’s the com­bi­na­tion of healthy food, an effec­tive beau­ty rou­tine, sport, men­tal fit­ness and an unique per­son­al style. And yes — good sex is also impor­tant.

Although the „hype“ is especially more on Instagram at the moment – I still believe that a blog is the best way to showcase high-quality content.

What made you want a blog in the first place?

Nic­ki: A good friend of mine gave me a tip to start a blog. Main­ly because so many friends were always asking me what to wear, which cos­met­ics to use or what to eat. I liked the idea of sharing my expe­ri­ences with even more peo­ple.

What’s the main advantage of having a blog?

Nic­ki: I don’t think it’s an advan­tage. At first, it’s a lot of work, and you have to keep going no mat­ter what hap­pens in your life. You have to be very pas­sion­ate and con­vinced about what you’re doing.

I see an advan­tage when I com­pare a blog with oth­er for­mats of engag­ing with com­mu­ni­ties like Insta­gram or Face­book. Although the „hype“ is espe­cial­ly more on Insta­gram at the moment — I still believe that a blog is the best way to show­case high-qual­i­ty con­tent.

What keeps your wheels spinning as a blogger?

Nic­ki: The very pos­i­tive feed­back I get from my read­ers, the lots of ques­tions and com­ments I receive from women who need sup­port in dif­fer­ent sit­u­a­tions and last but not least, my end­less curios­i­ty.

Inspired by Nicki’s story?

Start your blogging path today.

Begin now

How does the blogging theme Hive help express your ideas?

Nic­ki: I like the — let’s say — mas­cu­line design of the tem­plate that suits a rebel. I didn’t want to have this kind of typ­i­cal female style design on my blog.

I love its sim­plic­i­ty — it’s just an end­less stream of con­tent. Hive pro­motes diver­si­ty through its adapt­abil­i­ty to every kind of for­mat you want to post. This makes it excit­ing although it’s very sim­ple.

How does our theme support your professional activity?

Nic­ki: The biggest strength of Hive is the mobile ver­sion. Due to its sim­plic­i­ty, it looks stun­ning on every smart­phone. As I have 60–70% of traf­fic com­ing from mobile devices, this is a huge plus.

That’s Nicki’s story regarding blogging and how she keeps momentum with her passions no matter the age. This interview’s powerful proof that such examples can be the norm, so it’s up to you to start crafting your own story. Our mission is to help people like Nicki embrace this path and draw a positive impact on the com­mu­ni­ties they are part of. You can do that too.

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