Creating a ”Food Menu”
Since ROSA is mainly targeted at restaurants, we have thought it would be great to have a handy dandy system to create and manage your menus reliably.
The Menu Syntax
To get the Restaurant Menu shortcode, first, you have to access the funky P button from the WordPress editor (Visual mode). After this, you will be presented with a quick walkthrough of the shortcode features. Once you hit Insert, we will add a starter shortcode into the editor to start editing right away. Something in the lines of the text below:
#Section Title
##First Product Title
**Description of the first product
++Our Choice
##Second Product Title
**Description of the second product (no price)
##Third Product Title (no description)
##Fourth Product Title
**Subproduct 1
**Subproduct 2
**Subproduct 3
##Fifth Product Title (just title)
#Another Section Title
##Another Product Title
**Another product description
We rely on a couple of markers to identify the four sections of each menu product. Every menu product is identified with a different set of characters at the start of the line.
- # for Section Title – so if you will add a single # at the beginning of a line that will be styled as a section title. You can have multiple section titles to help you better organize your menu.
- ## for Product Title – notice the double # you need to add at the beginning. You can have as many products as you want. Generally a product is comprised of a title, a description and price, but these last 2 ones are optional.
- ** for Product Description – notice the double * that acts as marker for this.
- == for Product Price – the price has double “=” as marker so you could write something like ==$50.99.
- ++ for Product Highlight – notice the double “+” as marker; use it if you want to highlight some of the menu items and make them stand out.
That wraps it up in terms of the hard part, markers, and all that.
Product Group and Sub-products
Now for some magical hidden logic. If you wish to use the title as a product group, we will recognize that. So if you decide to add multiple description-price line groups after a title, we will treat and style these as sub-products (see the below example).
##Fourth Product Title
**Subproduct 1
**Subproduct 2
**Subproduct 3
Use The Columns or Tabs Shortcode for better organization
You can combine our Columns or Tabs shortcode with the Restaurant Menu to make your menu into columns or tabs, just like a printed one. Just insert the Menu shortcode inside each Column or Tab content.
This is the beauty of using shortcodes. The possibilities are almost endless when you factor in the other shortcodes, images, and so on. We would love to see you using these tools in new creative ways that we haven’t thought of.