Creating the “Home” Page (Front Page)

Your Home Page is the perfect place to make a great impression and set the right expectations. You can add a catchy bio, highlight your favorite projects or showcase others in a beautiful grid. Let’s get started and drive outstanding results with those things in mind.

Step 1 — Create a Home Page

To create a simple yet impactful home page, you need to start from scratch. In other words, log into WordPress Dashboard, go to Pages, and click on Add new. To avoid mixing up things, write down a relevant name, such as Home.

Step 2 — Set the Portfolio Archive Page Template

You can easily set the ”Portfolio Archive” template on the same page. Just go to the sidebar at Page Attributes, click on Template, and choose the Portfolio Archive from the drop-down.

The Featured Projects’ main point is to highlight a few of your best works to grab attention and let people engage with them. The Featured Projects Options area is displayed under the Hero Area → Content section, and it offers you a lot of creative freedom to play with.

For example, you can easily select which Projects you want be part of the Hero Slider which ones you want to be displayed on the Portfolio Grid.

If you’re wondering how to get the awesome layout of “picture in picture” for the slider as can be seen on our demo, all you need to do is to use a portrait format for the featured image and the first image from the gallery. (screenshot).

Besides those options, you can go even further and customize the grid number of columns, spacing, hover effect and much more by going to Appearance → Customize → Theme Options, and click on Portfolio Grid Items.

Step 4 — Set a Static Front Page

Let’s put the above-created page on the front page to finish this up. By default, WordPress displays the latest posts there. Therefore, to change that and show your new Home Page, please follow this quick method:

  1. Log into WordPress Dashboard
  2. Go to Settings → Readings, click on A static page (screenshot), and choose Home from the Front page drop-down.
  3. Click on the Save & Publish button to save your new settings.
Updated on January 12, 2022

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