The story of Upstairs

For a couple of months now, we have embarked on a much-needed process to revamp our blog both from a design and structure perspective. This sort of challenge is our bread and butter, but one thing kept popping up: how should we call this lovely place of ours? “Blog” seems so out-of-character for us: too generic and neutral. Pixelgrade is anything but that.

July 8, 2020
Reading time 2 – 3 minutes

With every idea we’ve thrown around, we kept honing in on another place close to our hearts: the literal house we call home, while at work. It’s a humble, little two-story white house with plenty of history between its walls and a generous outdoor space flanked by mighty trees.

We do most of our work upstairs, so why not anchor our blog this creative space there? Why not bridge our physical setting with our digital stage up in the virtual clouds? We could see no reason not to do just that.

People, meet Upstairs!

«Upstairs» manages to capture the very essence of our mission at Pixelgrade, to support people who want to make a positive impact in their communities. We are keen on helping people with a drive of their own, people with clear eyes and open hearts.

We want to maximize our impact next to people who already want to change something for the better. People who have the grit to really pursue their dreams. People who are up for getting their hands dirty and have skin in the game.

«Upstairs» may be about our work, but that work means nothing without you. You are as much part of this story as any one of our teammates. We bring all we are able to learn from the world downstairs, the world outside, we bring all the real-life experiences you gift to us, and put them to good use upstairs. You could say that we literally stand upstairs on the shoulders of the world downstairs!

We only write after we gain some hands-on experience and learn our lessons. We do the work and pack our takeaways transparently and honestly. If we hit rock bottom, you will find out. If we crafted a product that people can’t get enough of, you will hear that too. We have nothing to hide and everything to share.

«Upstairs» is intended to have a kind of public library feel to it. You enter because you have a craving for knowledge. You are curious to discover something, to challenge your assumptions. You find value in any learning process and have the patience to see it through to the end. You avoid shortcuts because you know that slow and steady wins the race. If this sounds like you, we are going to get along just fine.

Join us in climbing these stairs, day after day, as we strive to be better individuals, a better team, and company. We are confident it will be a worthwhile journey.

See you Upstairs,
—The team at Pixelgrade

Conversations One so far

Let's start a personal, meaningful conversation.

Example: Practical philosopher, therapist and writer.

Madison Banossays:
Relevant commenter background or experience:Photographer

I’m glad I found this. I’m in that spot where I’m trying to find myself or let her truely out in all my parts of life and mainly my photography.  Trying to find stuff that will help is not easy, everything is about the technology and gear and not about the creative side for the individuals to learn and grow. 

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