Theme Requirements (classic)

Like most software, Pixelgrade classic themes have specific requirements to be able to run properly. We recommend the following:

WordPress version 

We currently support WordPress version 6.2.4.

If you’re using a newer version, you can use the Core Rollback plugin to roll back. To prevent future core updates, use the Disable Automatic Updates plugin.

Plugins version

  • WooCommerce version 5.4.4
  • Gutenberg editor not supported (use Classic Editor instead)
  • Pixelgrade Care version 1.17.4 or newer
  • WP Job Manager version 1.35.3

To roll back a plugin (e.g. WooCommerce), you can use the WP Rollback plugin. To prevent future plugin updates, use the Block Plugin Update plugin.

Hosting Requirements

  • PHP version 7.4.x (PHP 8.0 not fully supported)
  • MySQL version 5.7 or greater
  • HTTPS support
  • PHP memory should be 256M or greater.

You can usually ask your hosting company to install those versions for you.

Updated on March 26, 2024

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