Installing the Theme

We want to help you start on the right foot to enjoy our WordPress theme fully. That’s why you need to make sure you have a solid foundation for what’s next by installing WordPress, the theme you’ve chosen from our portfolio, and the right plugins. In this article, I will walk you through a friendly process of setting up the theme in a way that’s correct and trustworthy.

Step 1 – Installing WordPress

The process of installing WordPress is quite easy and friendly; no need to worry about that. Most web host providers give you a helping hand and automatically achieve this first step so you can immediately start playing with the content. However, if it’s your first time dealing with it and you need an in-depth guideline, we recommend checking out this one.

Step 2 – Downloading the Theme

Get the theme files by going to your Pixelgrade account, find the theme in the My Available Themes section, and click on Download.

Step 3 – Installing the Theme

Being at this stage is already a win, so the next steps will only shed some light on how to continue without hesitation.

  • Go to the WordPress Dashboard and navigate to Appearance → Themes. Click Add New button at the top of the page and afterward go to the Upload one.
  • To upload the file, choose the ZIP archive downloaded earlier and click Install Now.
  • Once the file has is uploaded, click the Activate link.

Step 4 – Follow the site setup wizard

After theme activation, you have to follow the on-screen setup wizard that will install and activate the Pixelgrade Care plugin, which guides you through all the steps necessary to ensure functionality for your site. Once the install finishes, you will be guided through the following steps:

  1. Linking your theme to the Pixelgrade account to activate the customer support and updates license;
  2. Installing and activating the required and optional plugins for your theme;
  3. Importing the demo content.


Unable to create the directory? Theme install failed.

There are a bunch of reasons why you can’t install the theme directly through the WordPress Dashboard, such as limited writing permissions. To overwrite this behavior, you need to copy the theme files directly through FTP, as explained below.

  1. First thing first, you need to get an FTP client like FileZilla or CyberDuck — both are free and cross-platform compatible software.
  2. The second phase is to access the web host server and locate the WordPress installation. Then upload the unzipped theme in ../wp-content/themes/ folder.
  3. Right after navigate to the Appearance → Themes section and click on the Activate button.

Need help setting everything up?

We have dedicated services designed to help you start off on the right foot.

View our services
Updated on February 23, 2021

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