Upstairs Community Report #1 - learning the basics

Upstairs Community Report #1: learning the basics

Discover all the learnings we gathered during our first year of running Upstairs Community.

questions to ask before creating your website

Which questions to ask before creating your website

See how you can go beyond the visual and aesthetic and ask the right questions to discover your needs and your audience’s wants.

Starting a newsletter on the right foundation

Without a clear strategy, you can leave room for all sorts of interpretations and frustrations on both ends—yours and your subscribers.

Solid customer relationships can set you apart

We live in times where building customer relations became necessary for any business that aims to drive a positive impact.

Cooking as a form of self-expression

When cooking is a way of exploring creating potential, the possibilities become endless. Roo’s a chef who’s not afraid of playing around.

Crafting a consistent customer experience on your website

Learn how to shape a consistent experience for your visitors and upcoming customers. Make sure it’s memorable and in tune with your brand.

Contributing to humanity through architecture

Contributing to the world comes in many shapes and forms. Architecture is one the most powerful tools to impact both our present and future. Discover why’s that from this thrilling interview.

Must-have pages on your website

Before committing to the process of building a website for your business, it would be great to draw a line in the sand about the mandatory pages.

Perks, team culture, and the tango in between

After two years, I got clarity about how the perks and the team culture should fit together. It was an intense journey of questioning assumptions, but I’m happy with how things turned out.

Things you want on your website, but you don’t need (yet)

When building your brand new website, it can be easy to get carried away. After all, many entrepreneurs fully identify with their work, thus, it can be challenging to look at your website with a critical eye.

Transparency Report #12: burning rubber for a change

Discover how things went on our side of the world and how we navigated as a team and business during these challenging times.

The conversation starter elements explained

How we improved the WordPress comment system to encourage conversations

Discover how improving your comment system can help you get more comments on your website and an engaged audience.

Ten things you don’t know about Pixelgrade

A few things you don’t know about us yet it would make sense to find out to complete the puzzle. They’re part of our challenging becoming.

Writer’s block comes after you write

Writer’s block comes after you write

What do psychology, emotions, and writing have in common? Well, you guessed it: they impact our understanding of what writer’s block means.

Five years at Pixelgrade is not that much

Being patience helped me earn time that became far more valuable along the way. My fifth year at Pixelgrade brought me worthy insights and discoveries.